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Category: Events
ATC Tour Madrid 2018

ATC Tour Madrid 2018

Wednesday, 19-september-2018
From Wednesday, 19-September-2018 to Friday, 21-September-2018. En Septiembre visitamos nuestras ATCs en Madrid para presentar las últimas novedades de Forest Pack y RailClone. Realizamos talleres en los que alumnos, usuarios de nuestros plugins y usuarios de 3dsMax en general tuvieron la oportunidad de poder hablar de “tú a tú” con nuestro equipo de soporte y aplicar posteriormente lo aprendido a mejorar su workflow ya sea en arquitectura, gaming o VFX. Gracias a nuestros partners 24studioLAB, Factoría5 TrainingHub, CICE y BIMVIZ por su colaboración.
Mundo Digitales 2018

Mundo Digitales 2018

Thursday, 05-july-2018
From Thursday, 05-July-2018 to Saturday, 07-July-2018. Una vez más acudimos a nuestra cita anual con la industria patria, donde enseñamos como resolvimos algunos de los casos de soporte mas inverosímiles del último año.
Total Chaos 2018

Total Chaos 2018

Friday, 11-may-2018
Friday, 11-May-2018 in Sofia. We are proud to be part of #totalchaos18. V-Ray Chaos Group first edition of what’s expected to be one of the main CG events in the industry. We will be sharing valuable tips to manage billions of polygons with friends visiting our booth and attending our masterclass on Friday, starting at 15:15


Sunday, 11-march-2018
Sunday, 11-March-2018 in London. If you are in London tomorrow, don't forget to pop up at Vertex to check our talk about creating large scale environments with Forest Pack and RailClone.
3ds London

3ds London

Wednesday, 07-february-2018
Wednesday, 07-February-2018 in London. As usual, we kick off the year by visiting the local (and powerful) Max community in London. This time to unveil the secrets of the upcoming Forest Pack 6
Mundos Digitales Game of Thrones special session

Mundos Digitales Game of Thrones special session

Monday, 16-october-2017
Monday, 16-October-2017 in A coruña. What a better excuse to go to Madrid than joining our good friends at Mundos Digitales?
SoA Academy Day 8

SoA Academy Day 8

Friday, 06-october-2017
Friday, 06-October-2017 in Venice. Once again, and non stopped since 2012, we carried out our yearly key note at SoA Academy Day. Pretty much like our second home by now. Honoured to be part of the most important VIZ event in the industry.
AVD 2017

AVD 2017

Thursday, 21-september-2017
Thursday, 21-September-2017 in Gothenburg. We attended AVD as speakers for the third time in a row, to carry out an extensive workshop on our plugins and shared a great time with all our friends and clients in The Nordics
d2 Conferences

d2 Conferences

Friday, 25-august-2017
Friday, 25-August-2017 in Vienna. We sponsored this year's event, with our support specialist and our CEO travelling to Vienna.
Novedge WEbinar

Novedge WEbinar

Wednesday, 23-august-2017
Wednesday, 23-August-2017 in on-line. We want to remind you all that tomorrow Wednesday 23, at 11:00 am PDT (GMT-7) we will carry out a #ForestPack webinar in partnership with Novedge. Don't miss it!
Mundos Digitales

Mundos Digitales

Friday, 07-july-2017
Friday, 07-July-2017 in A coruña. Estamos encantados de participar en Mundos Digitales, donde impartiremos un Workshop sobre "Creación de entornos a gran escala con Forest Pack y RailClone"
EUE 2017

EUE 2017

Friday, 07-july-2017
Friday, 07-July-2017 in Utrech. One more year, we are attending End User Event, an all time classic within the 3d scene in Europe, and the first event we ever attended back in 2012. For this year, we're doing a big effort, having 2 talks, one of them in partnership with Factory Fifteen, and a workshop.
Training Day en BIMVIZ estudio

Training Day en BIMVIZ estudio

Thursday, 20-april-2017
Thursday, 20-April-2017 in Madrid. Como continuación a nuestro tour por las ATCs de Madrid, el próximo 20 de Abril estaremos en CICE para un nuevo  #iToosoftTrainingDay
#iToosoftTrainingDay en CICE

#iToosoftTrainingDay en CICE

Wednesday, 19-april-2017
Wednesday, 19-April-2017 in Madrid.  #iToosoftTrainingDay el próximo 19 de abril. Un evento exclusivo para alumnos de #CICE, donde podrán conocer de primera mano consejos y trucos de los plugins #RailClone y #ForestPack 
Unveiling RailClone3 at 3dsLondon

Unveiling RailClone3 at 3dsLondon

Thursday, 02-march-2017
We were invited once again to 3dsLondon where we unveiled the new features for the upcoming RailClone3, to be released in the next weeks. Great welcome as usual from the 3d local community.