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Nodevember 2021 - Get involved with RailClone
Wednesday, 03-november-2021

Nodevember is a yearly event that runs throughout November to encourage and promote procedural art.

There are no winners and no losers. Nodevember is a challenge, not a contest. No matter your field or skill level, any and all node-based/procedural creations are welcome, but of course, we hope you'll give RailClone a try! As an artist-friendly node-based parametric modelling plugin, it's the perfect tool to challenge yourself to learn new things and advance your procedural abilities in 3ds Max.

This year there are 15 prompts that are deliberately abstract to serve as inspiration rather than a rigid prescription. Each prompt will run for two days, giving you time to get creative, practice, and above all else, have fun!

To participate, all you need to do is create some cool procedural stuff and then posts it, along with a screengrab of the nodes, on the social media channel of your choosing. Don't forget to tag your work with #nodevember, #nodevember2021, and of course #RailClone

You can find all the information you need to participate on, and any updates will be posted to @NodevemberIO on Twitter and Instagram.
