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Use Link and Reroute nodes to simplify RailClone Graphs
Learn about 2 of RailClone 6's new node types

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Style graphs are a powerful way to visualize procedural assets, but at a some point they can start to resemble a bowl of spaghetti and become difficult to read. Fortunately, in RailClone 6 there's a way to make your graphs much easier to understand using Link nodes.

To use a Link node to create branches simply drag one from the bottom of the items list to a wire.  You can then move the node to the desired location and connect it to other nodes as needed.

you can choose from two different node styles, either full to display the usual node format, or Simplified to show a minimal version. 

If you wire two Link nodes on the same wire, then you can choose how the wire is displayed between them. You have 3 options. Either the default solid display, a dashed line, or to really clean up your graphs, a hidden option. 

For simpler changes to wires that don’t require branching or changing display styles, , you can simply double-click anywhere along a wire to add a new Reroute anchor. Reroute nodes are for adjusting the path of the spline, so they have a single input and output. 

By using Link nodes and Reroute anchors, you can make your graphs much easier to read and understand.