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"To create the Swiss Cottage images we used Fp for the small gardens -the terrain is really sloped so UV mode helped us to distribute the grass patches properly. We also did the roof gravel with one of the FP presets. Rc was used for the guttering and all the window shutters. This enabled us to quickly randomize the position of the shutters by just editing the control splines, and at the same time have the minimum of necessary geometry" "For the Heimdal house we used Forest Pack for the lawn and surrounding forest. The roof tiles and guttering were made with Rc, as well as the balcony fences." "Finally, we used Rc extensively on the ADVN project. Both the glass and wooden fences were made with it, as well as all the wooden floor boards and the roof tiles on the neighboring house. Fp was used for the lawn, rooftop gravel and surrounding vegetation. "