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Discover the Latest Fixes in RaiLClone 6.1.x
Tuesday, 13-february-2024

RailClone continues to evolve. We have recently released several updates addressing key issues and enhancing the overall user experience. Here's a summary of what's been changed.

RailClone 6.1.4: CPU Affinity Bug Fix

  • CPU Performance Optimization: Both Forest Pack and RailClone were setting the CPU affinity of the 3ds Max process to core 0. This update corrects this issue, leading to improved CPU usage and efficiency when running multiple instances of 3ds Max.

RailClone 6.1.5: Enhanced Functionality and Performance

  • Material ID in Extend Mode: A fix was implemented for the 'Limits->Material ID' not functioning correctly in the 'Extend X/Y Size to Area' mode.
  • Spline Trimming Logic: Splines are now accurately trimmed by 'Base Objects'->'Full Length' only if Start/End parameters are applicable, addressing an issue where closed splines were incorrectly considered as open.
  • Generator Functionality: The 'Generator->'Flatten Stepped' function, which previously had no effect, has been fixed and optimized, especially when applied to flat splines.
  • UV Mapping Consistency: A fix for the Mirror Operator, which was causing issues with Segment UV mapping in nested generators.

RailClone 6.1.6: Stability and Rendering Fixes

  • Rendering Compatibility: An error affecting rendering with Redshift (and potentially other render engines) has been fixed.
  • Nested RailClone Geometry Generation: An issue where nested RailClone objects did not generate any geometry has been addressed.
  • Scene Object Changes Reflection: Modifications to scene objects (like changing pivot points) assigned to multiple segments are now correctly reflected in all of them.
  • Pivot Point Adjustments in RCSlice: Adjusting the Pivot Point of a RCSlice now affects all slices, though existing scenes might require reassignment of the RCSlice object to each Segment.
  • Selector Operator Accuracy: The Selector Operator now correctly selects the corresponding Segment based on the Y Spline Marker ID value.
  • Library Browser Performance: Significant improvements have been made to the Library Browser's performance, particularly when loading multiple items using the same material library.
  • Thumbnail Loading and Resizing: The process of loading and resizing thumbnails in the Library Browser has been enhanced for better efficiency.

These enhancements not only address specific issues but also contribute to the overall robustness and usability of RailClone in diverse architectural visualization scenarios. Stay updated with iToo Software for news of future releases.